1Stikes Hang Tuah Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60244, Indonesia
2Lincoln University College, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D. E., Malaysia
*Corresponding Author’s Email: sukmaayucandrakirana@stikeshangtuah-sby.ac.id
The process of decreasing physical, psychological, and social conditions that interact with each other and cause dependence on others is called the aging process. The aging process can cause problems both physically, biologically, mentally, and socioeconomically. Decreased physical ability can cause disruption in the fulfillment of daily activities that require the support of others or family. Family support is a form of interpersonal relationship that requires very strong family ties to help the elderly face problems as proof that the family is the closest person to the elderly. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in fulfilling their daily activities. This study has reviewed 16 articles, consisting of 8 nationaljournals and 8 internationaljournals, to determine the relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in daily activities. The journal examined showed the results of a very significant relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in meeting the needs of daily activities.
Keywords: Family Support; Elderly Independence; Literature Revie
One solution thatcanbe appliedto increase thefreedomof theold in everydayexercises is with familysupport. Family support consists of 4 family support, namely instrumental, informative, assessment and emotional support. Of the four family support the most impacting on the elderly is in the form of assessment support in the form of praise and encouragement will motivate the elderly to be independent in daily activities. With the support of the assessment, the elderly feel cared for, and loved by other family members, thereby reducing the elderly's dependence on others in fulfilling daily activities (Khulaifah, Haryanto, and Nihayati, 2019). In Indonesia, it has become a culture that parents are the place to ask for advice and consideration for problems that occur in the family and society. In the family, grandparents havea very important role as the oldest citizens who are full of experience and wisdom, but not infrequently the elderly feel no longer needed so that support in the form of assessment is very important for the elderly (Murodion, 2006).
Elderly is said to be the final stage of development at the basis of human life. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (2006), a person is said to be elderly if he is aged equal to or more than 60 years. According to article 1 paragraph (2), (3), (4) of Law no. 13 of 1998 concerning health, it is stated that the elderly is somebody who has arrived at the period of over 60 years (Maryam, 2008). The determination of the age of 65 years and over as the beginning of old age (elderly) began in the 19th century in Germany. The age of 65 years is the minimum limit for the elderly category. However, many elderly people still consider themselves to be in middle age. Chronological age usually does not have much to do with the reality of aging. Everyone ages in different ways, based on time and life history. Every elderly is unique, therefore nurses must provide a different approach from one elderly to another (Patricia A Potter, 2009).
Support for the older is extremely important as long as the elderly themselves are still able to realize the meaning of the support as a support for their lives. However, in the life of the elderly it is often found that not all the older can figure out the help from others, so that even though they have received support they actually show disappointment, which is displayed by grumbling, disappointed, annoyed and so on.
Family support as per (Friedman, 2010) is a disposition, a demonstration of family acknowledgment of relatives, as instructive help, evaluation support, instrumental help and daily reassurance. So family support is a type of relational relationship that incorporates mentalities, activities and acknowledgment of relatives, so relatives feel that somebody is focusing.
Based on the description of the theory and phenomena, the researcher aims to conduct a literature review research on "The Relationship between Family Support and Elderly Independence in the Fulfillment of Daily Activities".
The hypothesis of this study is there is a relationship between family support and independence in the elderly in fulfilling daily activities.
The method used in finding journals used in the literature review, the approach in taking journals is done with the PICO approach which is used to conduct journal reviews. 1. Problem/population, the problem to be analyzed or population. 2. Intervention, an action taken or a management action against an individual case as well as a presentation on management. 3. Comparation, management used as a comparison. 4. Outcomes, results or outcomes obtained in the study. This literature review begins with selecting a topic, then determining keywords to search for journals using English and using Indonesian through several databases including Google Schoolar, OneSearch, Pro Quest, Pubmed, Science Dierct, Journal of Nursing Science, IOS, National Journal. Researchers limit the scope of years in the search for journals starting from the last 10 years. The English keywords used are "Family Support and The Independence of The Elderly". In Indonesian it uses "Family support in fulfilling daily activities" "Family Support Factors for the independence of the Elderly" "The Relationship between Family Support and Elderly Independence".
The information utilized in this study is auxiliary information acquired not from direct perception of the respondents, but rather got from the consequences of exploration that has been done by past analysts. The wellspring of the information got is as respectable diary articles both broadly and universally with a foreordained subject. Look for diary articles utilizing watchwords and boolean administrators (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) which are utilized to grow or indicate the hunt, making it simpler to decide the articles or diaries utilized.
Based on the results of the search for research articles, there are many journals that discuss family support with elderly independence, but it has been found that 15 journals were selected based on inclusion criteria. This research has been reviewed by researchers in the article suggesting that the relationship of family support can increase the independence of the elderly in fulfilling daily activities. Researchers studied in 16 journal articles consisting of 8 national journals and 8 international journals to decide the connection between family support and the autonomy of the old.
Research conducted by (Fera and Husna, 2019) entitled "Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kemandirian Lansia Dalam Pemenuhan Aktivitas Sehari-Hari Di Desa Alue Tho Kecamatan Seunagan Kabupaten Nagan Raya." with 35 respondents. The procedure used for sampling is simple random sampling technique. The method used in this research is cross- sectional. Each respondent is given a questionnaire sheet. The results obtained by the elderly in Alue Tho Village, Seungan District, Nagan Raya Regency from 35 respondents showed that the chi-square test results found that there was a connection between family support and the freedom of the old in satisfying everyday exercises in Alue Though Town, Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency (P = 0.001 <0.05). The conclusion obtained is that there is a connection between family support and the freedom of the old in satisfying everyday exercises, family support is in the good category with the independence of the elderly in the good category as many as 24 (20.1%) respondents, therefore the family should always provide support to the elderly. elderly so that the independence of the elderly is better.
Another supporting study (Kaur, 2015) entitled Factors Determining Family Support and Quality of Life Elderly Population.The dissemination of gatherings was resolvedhaphazardlywith quantitativeand subjective methodologies were utilized to concentrate on the determinants of the abundance of the older. A sum of 213 old individuals weresequentiallyenlistedfrom haphazardlychosenwards in chosensemi-metropolitan regions in the territory of Uttarakhand, India. Shut and open surveys were utilized to find indicators of family backing and personal satisfaction of guardians. There are brings about Indian urban communities, the heads of the vast majority of the families are guardians. They are likewise focused on and regarded. This finding is upheld that 24.57% got support from relatives.
Research conducted by (Sumiati, 2015) on " Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kemandirian Lansia Dalam Aktivitas Sehari Hari" the number of respondents 52 people who were given a questionnaire. The sampling technique of respondents used probability sampling with the proportional stratified random sampling method. This study is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional approach. From the results of research conducted in the Karangasem Health Center area of Samarinda with the Chi-square test, the p value = 0.000, so the p value is smaller than 0.05. There is a relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in daily activities in the Karangasem Community Health Center, Samarinda. Most of the respondents are independent because most of them are in good condition, with a good health condition they are able to carry out daily activities to meet their daily needs without asking for help from others or as little as possible to depend on others.
Another supportingexaminationis (Sulastri, 2021) with the title "The Relathionship Between Family Funcyion and Personal satisfaction In the Older In Bagelen Town". Utilizing a correlational report research plan, with a cross-sectional methodology. The examining method utilized was irregular inspecting with an example size of 95 individuals with consideration standards matured >60 years living with family, ready to peruse, compose, not having hearing and vision issues. The information assortment instrument utilized the World Wellbeing Association's Personal satisfaction OLD poll. The outcomes showed that the older were fulfilled in light of the fact that the family gave help to the old when something troublesome occurred, got a p-worth of 0.002, this worth is more modest than 0.05, implying that the more the family support, the more the personal satisfaction of the old. Offer ideal help by focusing on the fundamental versatility, closeness, improvement, giving the open door to the old to communicate sentiments and critical thinking for a superior personal satisfaction for the old.
Based on the results of the search for research articles, there are many journals that discuss family support with elderly independence. The research methods used by several journals vary from a correlation design with a cross-sectional, descriptive exploratory approach to determine the relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly. Mostof the samplingtechniquesused werepurposivesampling, stratifiedrandom sampling, total sampling and acidental sampling. Most of the measurement instruments from 16 journals used a questionnaire sheet. The research time obtained from journals mostly used a day during the distribution of the questionnaire, after which the data were analyzed using the Chi-square test.
The results showed that the elderly were satisfied because the family provided assistance to the elderly when something difficult happened, meaning that the better the family support, the better the quality of life of the elderly. Offer ideal help by focusing on the flexibility of the old, closeness, improvement, giving open doors to the old to communicate sentiments and critical thinking for a superior personal satisfaction for the old.
Autonomy is a demeanor where people will keep on figuring out how to be free in managing different circumstances in the climate so people will actually want to think and follow up on their own in completing their exercises, all finished without help from anyone else with their ownchoices to address theirissues. Elderly independence in ADL is defined as a person's independence in carrying out activities and functions of daily life carried out by humans routinely and universally. With independence, a person can develop to be independent by requiring opportunities, support, and encouragement from family and the surrounding environment.
The journals reviewed showed that there was a very significant relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in fulfilling daily activities.
This proves that good family support and independence of the elderly is influenced by the form of attention from the family that is given directly or indirectly. The elderly who experience dependence are caused by a lack of love, encouragement, and praise in carrying out daily activities.
It is expected that the elderly who are still dependent on their families in fulfilling daily activities can be motivated to be able to carry out daily activities independently.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Thank you to all those who helped carry out this research
Fera, D., & Husna, A. (2019). Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kemandirian Lansia Dalam Pemenuhan AktivitasSehari-Hari Di Desa AlueTho Kecamatan Seunagan Kabupaten Nagan Raya. J-Kesmas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health), 5(2), 40-48. https://dx.doi.org/10.35308/j-kesmas.v5i2.1150
Friedman. (2010). Buku Ajar Keperawatan keluarga : Riset, Teori, dan Praktek. Jakarta: EGC.
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Patricia, A., Potter., Anne, Griffin, Perry. (2009). Fundamental Keperawatan : Fundamentals of Nursing Buku 1.
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Sulastri, S., & Kohir, D. S. (2021). The Relationship between Family Function and Quality of Life in the Elderly in Bagelen Village. Journal of Vocational Nursing, 2(1), 39-43.
Sumiati, S. (2019) Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kemandirian Lansia Dalam Aktivitas Sehari Hari, Jurnal Medika Karya Ilmiah Kesehatan 4(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.35728/jmkik.v4i1.65