Merry Wijaya1, Fardila Elba1*, Atriany Nilam Sari1, Dany Hilmanto1, Sandeep Poddar2

1Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

2Lincoln University College, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author’s E-mail:


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on health aspects, especially contraceptive services. This condition has resulted in a surge in baby births due to the increasing drop out rate in the use of contraceptives, limited public access to health facilities, the assumption that couples of childbearing age delay visiting health facilities to get family planning services due to fear of infection. Regarding the existing problems, it is very necessary to have an educational approach regarding contraception and cadres who are the closest people to the community.

This study used a quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The sample of this study used cluster sampling, there were 125 respondents. Analysis of the data using a different test t test. Calculation of data using SPSS. The results showed that the characteristics of cadres were in the age group, the majority of cadres were in the age group of 35-50 years (64.3%). Based on the length of time being a cadre, most are in the range of 1 -3 years and more than 3 years have the same percentage (49.2%). There is a significant effect between the training of cadres o n contraceptive methods in increasing the knowledge of health cadres.

Keywords: Knowledge; Cadre; Contraception


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on health aspects, especially contraceptive services. This condition has resulted in a surge in baby births due to the increasing drop out rate in the use o f contraceptives, limited public access to health facilities, the assumption that couples of childbearing age delay visiting health facilities to get family planning services due to fear of infection. Regarding the existing problems, it is very necessary t o have an educational approach regarding contraception and cadres who are the closest people to the community. Cadres are extensions of health workers, to help people live healthy independently. Cadres are volunteers who are considered closest to the commu nity, if the cadres are given sufficient trust and knowledge about contraception, (Sari, 2019 and Nugraha, Sukmawati & Herliani 2020).

Program to increase cadre's understanding of contraceptive methods in Soreang District, Bandung Regency, is an idea that is given in accordance with the PPM principle of Padjadjaran University, namely the principle of community development includes counseling and empowerment as well as the principle of sustainable development, besides that this activity involves lecturers and students entering the village, using government strategies and policies in accordance with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Program as an effort to improve maternal and child health. In carrying out activities, what is needed is to explore potential problems according to the latest issue, namely the lack of understanding in choosing a contraceptive method that suits your needs(IHBR,2020). Then the formulation of the problem is carried out, It was found that the problem occurred because of a lot of confusing information or incorrect stigma about contraception due to lack of knowledge. This problem can be intervened with counseling and approaches to health cadres. To find out the results of the training activities, an evaluation was carried out to find out the extent of the absorption of the material presented (BCHO, 2020 and Notoadmmodjo, 2019).


This study used a quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. This activity was carried out in Soreang District, Bandung Regency with research subjects namely Posyandu cadres with the criteria of having an Android cellphone a nd cadres in Soreang District. Research subjects were taken using cluster sampling.6 This study was attended by 126 Posyandu cadres. Contraception counseling was conducted online, before and after the cadres were tested to see an increase in knowledge. Data processing and analysis was carried out using SPSS. This research has obtained ethical clearanceunder the ethical clearance number 1114 / UN6.KEP / EC / 2019.


In this study, the number of respondents who followed were 126 people. Based on Table 1, shows the characteristics of cadres. In the age group, the majority of cadres are in the age group of 35 -50 years (64.3%). Based on the length of time being a cadre, most are in the range of 1-3 years and more than 3 years have the same percentage (49.2%).

Table 1. Characteristics of health cadres in Soreang District





20 - < 35 years old



35 - 50 years



> 50 years



Long time being a cadre

< 1 year



13 years old



> 3 years






Based on table 2, obtained a significance value of <0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an average difference between the results of the training with the pretest and posttest, which means that there is an effect of cadre training on contraceptive methods in increasing the knowledge of health cadres in Soreang District, Bandung Regency.

Table 2. Results of the Difference in Pretest and Posttest Values of Cadre Knowledge

Paired Differences



Sig. (2-tailed)


Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence

Interval of the Difference



Score.Pretest - Score.Posttest










A person's level of knowledge is basically different because they have their own level of understanding an object. If someone with previous knowledge about a contraceptive device obtains additional information or knowledge about it, it can affect the development of his knowledge. This development has no limits in any way. Knowledge can not only be obtained through formal education, but also through other media such as counseling. Most women of childbearing age receive family planning and contraception information from health workers and cadres. The role of cadres is very important in promoting family planning services, to increase community motivation and attitudes in family planning services (Nabila, Nur & Nindya, 2021 & Iswari 2019).

According to Iswari's research, it is stated that couples of childbearing age in the use of contraception are influenced by the level of education and access to information. Access to information is very influential because it becomes a basis for understanding, if the information obtained is not correct then the expected results will not be achieved. This emphasizes that health education and promotion of the importance of contraceptive use must be initiated in an innovative way (Armini, Triharini & Nastiti 2020). Health cadres are closest to the community is a strategic key in providing education to the community. There is no doubt about the involvement of cadres in overcoming misunderstandings regarding information regarding contraception, but the understanding of cadres themselves needs to be continuously improved. A study showed that the inhibiting factor for cadres in providing education about contraception in the community was the ability to provide correct information about contraception due to the limited knowledge gained. The many myths about contraception make people more believe in the existing myths, so that cadres have difficulty believing that people believe in contraception. However, the way to overcome this is by providing training from health workers about methods, side effects.

In the role of cadres to give confidence to the community, it is not only armed with knowledge but also the old influence of being a cadre. In this study, the average gain was more than 3 years. This is in line with research conducted by Roslianacadres who work more of three years has a greater percentage than those who work less than three years, which is 82.6% and has a significant relationship to the experience they have in communicating family planning needs to the general public (Hartanto, 2020).

Through this community service, health cadres in Soreang Subdistrict, Bandung Regency understand various contraceptive methods, their uses, side effects, effectiveness of each method, indications and contra -indications of contraceptive use, as well as about contraception that affects reproductive hormones. It is hoped that it can increase insight and skills when providing education to the public. In general, family planning is an effort to regulate the number of births in such a way that for the mother and her baby and for the father and his f amily or the community concerned there is no loss as a direct result of the birth. However, for a specific understanding of family planning is prevention of contraception or prevention of fertilization or preventing the meeting between sperm cells and egg cells (Hatijar & Saleh, 2018).

Health cadres are community workers who are considered closest to the community and are responsible for the local community as well as leaders appointed by health centers, but do not receive compensation from the local community or puskesmas. quantity, but quality still needs to be improved, cadres in local villages lack the confidence to conduct counseling due to lack of capacity regarding maternal and child health knowledge and communication, they only carry out their role to weigh, record and make reports on a routine basis. so that they themselves are not motivated to do better. Through this community service, health cadres are equipped with knowledge about contraception. Evaluation of the training results was carried out twice (pretest and posttest). The pretest was given before the training, and the post test was given after the training intervention was given. The pre and posttest process is done by fillin g out the form with limited processing time.

The evaluation results show that there is an average difference between the results of the training with the pretest and posttest, which means that there is an effect of cadre training on contraceptive methods in increasing the knowledge of health cadres in Soreang District, Bandung Regency. gained, to increase self-confidence and motivated to be the best. Based on Lawrence Green's theory that there are related factors, one of which is a predisposing factor.

Predisposing factors are antecedent factors to behavior that become the basis or motivatio n for behavior. Knowledge and beliefs and values are part of these predisposing factors. Knowledge will bring about change in everything,13.


Posyandu cadres in Soreang sub-district are in the age group of 35-50 years (64.3%), and the length of time they have been cadres, the majority are in the range of 1-3 years and more than 3 years. Training on contraception to cadres has been shown to significantly increase knowledge.


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