Sondang Manurung*, Zuriati,
1Lecturer of Binawan University- Indonesia
*Corresponding Author’s Email:
Nurses have complex levels of work stress. The level of boredom, job recovery and feeling depressed are factors that trigger work stress. Job stress occurs because of the imbalance between personality characteristics with the characteristics of the aspects of work and can occur in all jobs Leadership style can be interpreted as a special feature of the form of leadership consisting of 3 leadership styles, namely autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. This study discusses the relationship of leadership style with work stress levels. This research was conducted by descriptive analytic method with cross sectional research design. The study was conducted from June to August 2018. The sampling technique used was total sampling as many as 76 people. Data analysis techniques used the chi-square test. The results showed the leadership style used by the head of the room (80.3%) coordination, (15.8%) authoritarian, and (3.9%) Laissez-faire (free relations). The work stress of implementing nurses (68.4%) is high and (31.6%) low. There is an interesting relationship between leadership style with the work stress of implementing nurses, with a value of p = 0.016. The conclusion of this study is that most of the head of rooms use a supportive leadership style with high stress levels. Suggestions from this study, leadership that can support the leadership style that is applied to the policies and requirements in the room and nurses can get special training to overcome the stress problems experienced by nurses at work.
Leadership is directing and influencing others to have motivation in achieving a goal. In addition, leadership is also defined as an activity that uses communication processes to influence the activities of a person or group towards the achievement of goals in certain situations (Fleishmen, 1973 in Kuntoro, 2010).Leadership style is a pattern of behavior that is designed to integrate organizational goals with individual goals, to achieve a goal (Suarli & Bahtiar, 2012). The leadership style adopted in an organization can help create positive work effectiveness for members. With the leadership style with the situation and condition of an organization, members will be more enthusiastic in carrying out their duties and obligations to achieve common goals.
According to (Decenzo & Robbins, 2010), stress is a dynamic condition where each individual faces an opportunity, discretion, or demand that is connected with what he needs, which results are felt as uncertainty and important. According to (Jehangir, 2011) stress is a feeling of being excited, a feeling of anxiety or physical tension that occurs when an individual's desires exceed the ability to adjust. Work stress is human reaction to external stimuli both social, occupational, environmental and psychological factors which are considered as threats. Job stress includes an emotional assessment of the perceived difference between job demands and one's ability to carry out work demands (Goetsch, 2008). Stress can be said to be positive if it has a good impact by increasing motivation and alertness. But negative stress will have a very detrimental impact. One of them has an impact on health that can result in the risk of coronary heart disease and so on (Hawari, 2001 cited Sumiati et al., 2010).
Nurses are those who have the ability and authority to perform nursing actions based on the knowledge they have obtained through nursing education (MOH, 1992). A nurse is said to be professional if he has knowledge, professional nursing skills and has a professional attitude according to the professional code of ethics.
Nurses are human resources that are directly related in providing nursing services. Nurses have responsibilities that concern the survival of the patient being treated. The nurse also has the responsibility for all of the patient's needs while in care. Treatment that includes bio, psycho, social, cultural and spiritual needs.
Phenomenon discovered by researchers at Irna Surgery Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang conducted interviews and observations in several inpatient operating rooms of 20 implementing nurses, there were 8 implementing nurses who claimed to be bored and depressed. 7 nurses implementing nurses claimed to be uncomfortable with the leadership style prevailing in the room. Conflicts occur between nurses due to social jealousy and differences of opinion with the leader. Whereas 5 nurses said that they felt happy and comfortable with the head of the room and the leadership style prevailing in the room.
This research was conducted with a descriptive analytic method with cross sectional design study.The population in this study were executive nurses at Irna Surgical Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang, with 76 nurses with total sampling n July to August 2014. Analysis of the data in this study is univariate and bivariate analysis. Bivariate data analysis using Chi Square test computer aided SPSS program with a significance level of 95% (α ≤ 0.05).
Stress Level | Number of Nurses | |
N | % | |
High | 52 | 68.4 |
Low | 24 | 31.6 |
Total | 76 | 100.0 |
Based on the table above, it can be seen that more than half (68.4%) of nurses have high work stress
Leadership Style | Number of Nurses | |
N | % | |
Autocratic | 12 | 15.8 |
Democratic | 61 | 80.3 |
Laissez-faire | 3 | 3.9 |
Total | 76 | 100.0 |
Based on the above table, it can be seen that the majority (80.3%) of the room heads use the democratic leadership style.
Head Nurse Leadership Style | Stress Work | Total | P | ||||
High | Low | ||||||
N | % | N | % | N | % | 0.016 | |
Autocratic | 4 | 33.3 | 8 | 66.7 | 12 | 100.0 | |
Democratic | 46 | 75.4 | 15 | 24.6 | 61 | 100.0 | |
Laissez-faire | 2 | 66.7 | 1 | 33.3 | 3 | 100.0 | |
Total | 52 | 68.4 | 24 | 31.6 | 76 | 100.0 |
Based on table 3 above it can be seen that the percentage of work stress of implementing nurses is higher (75.4%) in the democratic leadership style than in the authoritarian and laissez-faire leadership style. Statistical test results obtained p = 0.016 (p <0.05) means that there is a significant relationship between leadership style with the work stress of implementing nurses.
Based on the results of research in the inpatient room Dr. M. Djamil Padang, it is known that 84.9% of implementing nurses are filling the tendency of the leadership style of the head of the room is democratic, while the nurses filling the leadership style of the head of the room is autocratic. Whereas, for nurses' work stress levels, 92.5% of nurses experienced mild stress levels and 7.5% of nurses experienced moderate stress levels.
The results of statistical analysis using the chi-square test obtained a P value of 0.009 which is smaller than the α value of 0.05. From these results it shows that there is a relationship between the leadership style of the head of the room and the level of work stress of nurses in Irna Surgery in Dr. M. Djamil. Judging from the bivariate analysis, it is known that the democratic leadership style suppresses nurses more work stress levels with a percentage of 97.8% of nurses choosing democratic leadership styles with mild stress levels. This shows that the democratic leadership style in decision making always involves his subordinates dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan untuk tujuan organisasi bisa mengakibatkan stres dalam pekerjaan bawahannya.
There are several things that can cause stress in terms of work in addition to leadership style, among others, gender, education level, and marital status, but of all that the leadership style turns out to be more dominant in causing stress, this is based on subordinates who do the work always in accordance with orders from superiors, so that sometimes subordinates often feel pressured, especially if a leader is too pressing for his subordinates to do, plus if the work assigned by the leader is not in accordance with the abilities of his subordinates, which can become a burden when they cannot do well.
Nurses have a very large role in providing nursing care to patients, so nurses are needed to be able to overcome any problems at work such as stress in work, of course this will disrupt the performance of nurses in providing maximum nursing care for their clients. In this case if in the provision of nursing care, a nurse does not do well, indirectly the ability of a nurse will be doubted by his client, so the client's level of trust in nurses will decrease.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
The authors are thankful to the institutional authority for completion of the work.
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