Abdul Muhaimin Yusrie

Lincoln University College, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author’s Email:


The variety of application types and the ease of application makes social media a friend for its users. Social media has a very important role for human life, in everyday activities, of course, everyone uses social media as a media to find information, add insight, make it easier for someone to communicate and there are many other things such as playing a role in social change. Social change is a variation of one's way of life as a result of new discoveries in society, such as social media which can now change human behavior to be more individual because it is more concerned with cyberspace compared to the real world. The change in behavior may be said to be a negative impact of social media.

Keywords: Effects of Activities, Social Media, Personal Identity Enhancement, Relationship Model


When someone sends status updates on Facebook, they have the choice to divide the specific location where they are with a few mouse clicks. Many network applications that have been combined with GPS, upload their existence so that all ‘followers ‘can see is a feature of choice. It might be nice to let friends know if they are getting into a cafe in the middle of the city. However, there will be a negative effect if someone posted so much information to the public.

Of course, if someone has a rough friend, they should avoid uploading where their location is by all means. But what about most people? Although it will sound like a paranoid person, if a friend is enjoying a morning run around a park and when he uploads it.

They may have thought that it is impossible for people who don't really know us to be able to find a home or location. But it's still possible, if they upload photos from mobile phones, for example, they have provided various detailed information. Because Smart Phones (Smartphones) embed various kinds of data from the photos they take and upload. According to the caution, website such as keep personal secrets, these data include everything from who took photos, camera settings to the location where the photos were taken.

Another factor to consider is that if they too share a lot of information than their friends. Like the details about lunch at a fast food restaurant near the grocery store 'every day', they will become 'mayors' from the grocery store on the street corner because they "check in" there 3 times a day, or meet their friends' news feeds with their photos three times a week, people will start hiding their uploads or worse they will stop their friendship.


  1. Problem Formulation

    Think about people who "follow" themselves and ask themselves if they enjoy 'check in' - 'check in' us. Or maybe they have a poll about this and ask for input from them. Or maybe their friends all enjoy uploads like this, if true, go ahead! But if the response from their friends like no one cares about where they are, then reduce it.

    The formulation of the problem proposed in this study is as follows:

    What are the effects of sending status update on social media on enhancing personal identity and discussions with young people in Jakarta, Indonesia?

  2. Theory Basis

  1. Effects of activities sending status on social media

    Social Media is now popping up like mushroom everywhere. Many people are competing to create their accounts every time there are new social media that adorn the virtual world. The forerunner of social media in the past in my opinion is Friendster. Friendster, which boomed early in 2000, really shook the cyberspace community at that time.

    Maybe they remember if they were already very happy with the presence of YM where they can chat at which is equipped with various funny icons. Send messages, see photos, change profile photos until they see anyone who has peeked at Friendster, it really is an activity that makes us grinning themselves because they feel 'noticed' by others.

    Furthermore, social media has been growing ever since Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, which was originally only social media developed specifically for friends at his own university. Increasingly growing and in demand, he was finally able to expand to become the most desirable no. 1 social media in the world. Followed by Twitter, which appears more simple, elegant and owned by most public figures, such as artists, politicians or other well-known figures. No less other social media presence that began to be in demand because it has its own unique search, such as Google Plus, Instagram, Tagged, Pinterest, Flickr, Linkedin, Whats app, Line, BBM etc.

    If they discuss how many social media are now active until 2015, it might not be endless because the number can reach hundreds. But they also have to filter the social media that they will list, choose social media that can add network, insight and benefit their lives. Do not just register social media, especially if they really have no intention & definite

    purpose. Do not let social media actually make them enter into a misleading association because the self rectification is not good.

    Social media should be used for positive activities. Facebook for example, they can use it to find their old friends so they can meet again. They often feel nostalgia on this one social media, so it is not surprising if there are so many devotees. Not to mention the function that can be used to sell products in FANPAGE, talking about a hobby / event in the FB GROUP or lovers of an object / product brand in the FB FORUM. There are many positive functions that they can use from FB or other social media.

    In fact, there are many netizens who take advantage of their social media to do things that are not wise so often it shows their 'less good' personality. If someone make a status, often netizens like this spread negative energy which is actually not good for the public to read.

  2. Personal Identity Enhancement

    1. Personal vent - This is an activity that is usually done by many netizens on their social media accounts. Confiding personal problems should be done only in front of people they trust can help provide solutions to problems, not to the public. Or they can write it in a diary book, which is sure to be safe & locked so that no one else will see it. As in real life where they have to maintain personal privacy, they must do the same in social media. Do not let what becomes their ugliness deliberately let go so that other people know. There are many motives so that people can do this because they like to show off their living conditions, want to get sympathy from their social media friends or maybe because they want to just update their status without thinking long term.

      Although it concerns personal life, but if the community feels that it is not ethical or inhumane, then they must dare to bear the consequences. The various cases above really remind them how important it is to maintain behavior and speech when entering social media. They should be able to protect themselves, respect the feelings of others and know which ones are good or bad to be published so that they, on social media, can create an image as someone who is good and wise.

      And remember, don't easily accept friendships from people they don't know. They have to know exactly who he is, at least who are their friends who are also their friends on social media because they also need privacy, comfort and security in interacting in cyberspace.

    2. Deliberately demeaning others

      This is also often a problem on social media. Many people who dislike other people are actually thrown at the public with sarcastic words that sometimes look 'less ethical'. This can actually hurt themselves; not flattery, but rather the bullying that they will accept for their attitude on social media. Even if it is bad, they can also be brought to the law table when the community has assumed that their status / actions cannot be tolerated anymore

      because it intends to demean other people / parties (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun, 2003).

      Still remember the case of Florence who cursed at the gas station officers because he was reprimanded for queuing up gas stations on the wrong track. Not only that, he even cursed the city of Jogja. This action makes him to accept the legal consequences that apply. As in real life where they have to maintain their behavior and speech, they must do the same in social media. Do not let what one do actually demean other people / parties. Do not let the above case befall them.

      There are also many other cases that they must avoid so as not to cause hatred among fellow social media users, for example, during the presidential election season. Many netizens have finally been removed from friendship only because they often update their presidential candidates or deliberately lower the opposing presidential candidate to get sympathy. This is a competition that is already 'unhealthy' again. Therefore, in acting on social media, they should look for friends, not opponents (Muslich, 2011).

  3. Discussion on young people in Jakarta, Indonesia

In the era of social media like now, privacy seems to have been considered not too important especially by teenagers. Maybe because they don't know the risks they will face if they indulge in too much privacy (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 2002).

Teenagers often think that posting personal information on social media is not dangerous. They assume that their friends are the only people who can access the status and information he posts. These teenagers don't realize that their friends might forget to log out of Facebook when using a public computer, or their friend's account can be hacked.

This is where the importance of the role of parents and teachers to direct and guide (Lickona, 1992). Tell their child that getting along on social media also has ethics. And remind their child not to post personal things below:

  1. Personal information that can lead to identity theft

    On social media sites, such as Facebook, there are biographies. Remind the child so that he does not display all personal information, such as a full birth date, because it can invite identity theft. Also remind their child not to post other personal data such as home addresses and telephone numbers.

  2. Family information

    Family problems should not be made public. Posting things like, "My father was fired from his job, what will happen to me later?" or "My mother often comes home late at night", on social media it is not right. Discuss this with their child how important it is

    to protect the privacy of family members. If they need to make a rule "no one can post information about one family member without permission".

  3. Personal Problems

    Teenagers experience friendship problems and romance dramas are common. But it is not right if the problem is spread to social media, because the whole world can read it. Personal problems should not enter public spaces.

  4. Photos with geotags

    Teenagers like to take pictures with selfies / wefies using smartphones, and most of them don't realize that in the photos there are data about the location of the photos taken. Therefore, make sure their child disables the GPS tag option in camera settings before posting a private photo to the public.

  5. At home alone

    Announce things like, "My parents will go this weekend" or "I am always alone at home every time I go home from school", it is not safe. Don't post info like this online. Also, don't post a personal plan about where the child will go and with whom because it can invite crime (Tarmansyah dkk., 2012).

  6. Inappropriate Photos

    There's nothing wrong with posting photos on social media. But sometimes teenagers often post selfies that are not fit for public consumption, for example, which contain elements of sexuality, or photographs that describe them as engaging in inappropriate behavior. These photos are sometimes posted just to attract attention, but unfortunately they do not realize that this can damage their self-esteem in the future.

  7. Rude comments

    Associating in cyberspace is the same as in the real world, there are ethics that must be maintained. Remind children that social media is not a place for bullying or slandering others. Use good words when commenting on other people's posts, never post something that can hurt others.

    Research Methods

    The research method used in this study is the study of literature. The researcher collects theories from various books and literature to develop a relationship model to solve problems faced by research objects.


    The purpose of this study is to develop a relationship model to solve problems faced by the object of research.

    Comments on Research

    1. Excellence

      The use of social media knows no age, from children to parents. Social media almost changes the way modern society fully communicates. It is beneficial, especially to communicate with someone far away. Social media is also designed for everyone to be able to spread information quickly. However, social media has also made many people addicted, which has several negative effects. Many people spend most of their time staring at the gadget screen. Therefore, they should control the use of social media in everyday life (Buchori, 2007).

      1. Limit the use of social media

        Limit the amount of time they spend on social media every day by using an alarm or stopwatch to control the use of social media. When someone is accustomed to limiting the time spent on social media they have set themselves not to depend on social media.

      2. Look for information other than social media

        Social media is used to get the latest information, if someone uses social media for that, then look for other alternatives to get info. They can read news sites (not from social media accounts), read newspapers, or watch news on television.

      3. Looking for more useful activities

        Finding other activities can reduce the intensity of their visiting social media. The more busy they are, of course there is more time for them to stick to social media. Try to divert their attention to sports or to gather with the closest people.

      4. Use social media wisely

        Not that reducing activity on social media makes social media a bad thing. There are still benefits to be gained when they use them wisely. There is still a sense of comfort if they use social media intelligently.

    2. Weakness

      1. Impaired vision

        The eye view that is too focused on the gadget screen is too long, can cause various eye disorders such as pressure on the eyes, tired eyes, irritation, reddish eyes, or blurred vision. This condition is not a permanent disorder, but if they often experience the disorder, the use of assistive devices such as glasses and lenses to reduce direct exposure to light will help reduce the effects of eye disorders.

      2. Interrupting sleep time

        The researchers showed a strong relationship between social media use and sleep disorders. Someone who spends their time interacting in cyberspace almost every time, has a threefold increased risk of experiencing sleep disorders, including

        insomnia. Many factors cause this to happen (Sugiyono, 2007). For example, some people tend to maintain their existence in cyberspace and then this makes them sleep late at night. Many people are preoccupied with using social media to forget time. For example to reply to comments on social media that never stop or just become passive warganet. Every midnight just looking at the timeline so as not to miss the latest info can also disrupt their sleeping hours. Or maybe, some people actually have difficulty sleeping first so they use social media to spend time until they can go back to sleep. In fact, this doesn't help. When someone spend time playing social media through their gadget before going to sleep, the bright rays of the gadget mimic the nature of the sun's natural light. As a result, the body's biological clock considers this light as a signal that it is still morning, and therefore the production of melatonin is disrupted.

      3. Increase depression and anxiety

The impact of chronic sleep deprivation can increase a person's risk of depression. Fulfillment of the need to always be online on social media that has long been associated with a decrease in the level of self-confidence, as well as an increased risk of anxiety and depression disorders. The frequent use of social media is particular among children and adolescents who have also been associated with many studies with increased levels of psychological stress. All of these factors can be interrelated to trigger or exacerbate depression in children. Social media also seems to be a place for someone to express themselves or show off their daily activities. This turned out to trigger jealousy in others. This envy can cause mental disorders in the form of depression. In addition to jealousy, social media is also often the scene of bullying that happens very often. Many people who end up feeling depressed and decided to commit suicide just because they feel humiliated by many people on social media.


Social media is an online media that supports a social interaction using internet or web-based technology that can turn communication into an interactive dialogue such as creating a communication relationship between a writer and his fans. An example of an interactive dialogue that occurs in one of the social media applications is "Line", the application is usually used to send messages, call, and read news. "Line Today" is a place where they can read articles that contain the latest information. On "Line Today" there is a comment column for readers to be able to give opinions or comments on what they read.


Buchori, M. (2007). Pendidikan Karakter dan Kepemimpinan Kita. Dikutip dari:…/kol,20110201-315,id.html

Lickona, T. (1992). Educating for Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. Bantam Books. US.

Muslich, M. (2011). Pendidikan Karakter: Menjawab Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional. PT Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.

Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. (2002). Undang-undang Dasar 1945. Penabur Ilmu. Jakarta.

Sugiyono. (2007). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Alfabeta. Bandung.

Tarmansyah, dkk. (2012). Pedoman Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Inklusif. Padang: Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Khusus dan Layanan Khusus(PK-LK) Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun. (2003). Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dengan Rahmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Presiden Republik Indonesia.