Antonius Kiritin Kunto Darsono

Lincoln University College, Malaysia

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The existence of a nation is largely determined by its character. Only the nation who has a strong character will become capable of making itself a nation that is dignified and respected by other nations. Therefore being a nation with character is the dream of the Indonesian people. Although it is no longer a new thing, it must be admitted that the phenomenon of globalization is the most strategically dynamic and has an influence on the values of various nations including the Indonesian people. Some consider it a threat that has the potential to roll up our nation's values and traditions and replace them with popular values in foreign countries. In the era of globalization that is unable to withstand the swift flow of information from any world, making young people easily know and absorb information and culture from other countries, and vice versa any country can easily get all forms of information and culture from our country, this is where the character of the nation is needed because if the nation's character is not strong then globalization will run over our young generation. The younger generation is expected to play a role in facing various kinds of problems and competition in the era of globalization that is getting tighter today.

Keywords: Character Education, Establishing the Mental Quality of Entrepreneurship, Opening Jobs


Character education is now one of the main discourses in national policy in the field of character education. All teaching and learning activities in the Indonesian state must refer to the implementation of Character education. This is also contained the National Action Plan on Character Education published by the Ministry of Education in 2010. In the text it is stated that character education is a key element in achieving the National development vision and mission included in the 2005-2025 RPJP.

Not only that in the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System; formulating functions and objectives of National education that must be used in developing education efforts in Indonesia. Article 3 of the National Education and Information System Law states: "National Education has the function of developing and helping with dignified national character and civilization to educate the nation. Aiming for the development of potential, students become human beings who have faith in God Almighty, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become citizens who are democratic and responsible ".


  1. Problem Formulation

    The minister also emphasized the importance of strengthening character building in education and children's literacy as mandated in Nawa Cita, the nine-point development program of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the national education system. This KDP policy is integrated into the National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM), which is a change in the way of thinking, performing, and acting for the betterment. The main values of KDP are religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation, integrity. These values are to be instilled and practiced through the national education system so that they are known, understood, and applied in all aspects of life in school and in society. KDP was born because awareness of the challenges ahead was increasingly complex and uncertain, but at the same time seeing there was much hope for the future of the nation. This requires educational institutions to prepare students in scientific and personal terms, in the form of individuals who are strong in moral, spiritual and scientific values. Understanding the background, urgency, and basic concepts of KDP is very important for school principals to be able to implement it in accordance with the educational context in their respective regions.

    The formulation of the problem proposed in this study is as follows:

    What is the framework of the model for the importance of Character Education in the framework of Establishing the Entrepreneurship Quality Mental to Open Jobs?

  2. Theory Basis

  1. Globalization of Character Education

    Talking about education is an endless term. Education is a process that runs for life or is often called long life education, a process that keeps going from starting to swing and ending when entering a hole. Every time education always changes and its dynamics follow the times, both in terms of educational resources, curriculum, facilities, media use, and others.

    1. Building and equipping Students as a golden generation of Indonesia in 2045 to face the dynamics of change in the future;

    2. Develop a national education platform that puts character education as the main soul by taking into account the diversity of Indonesian culture;

    3. Revitalizing and strengthening the potential and competencies of the education ecosystem.

      Character quality is one aspect of building the Golden Generation 2045, accompanied by capabilities in the aspects of basic literacy and 21st century competence. Education applied in schools also requires to maximize skills and cognitive abilities. With such understanding, there are actually other things that are no less important than children that we have unknowingly ignored. That is giving character education to students. Character

      education is an important meaning as a counterweight to cognitive skills. Some of the facts we often encounter together, a wealthy businessman is not generous, a politician does not even care about his starving neighbor, or a teacher is not concerned about seeing street children who do not get the opportunity to study in school. That is proof of the lack of a balance between cognitive education and character education (Tarmansyah dkk., 2012).

      Especially in the era of globalization which is marked by the rapid development of information and communication technology today, the world of science seems to be in the grip, one time press a button so we can know what is happening in any part of the world. Through internet facilities that can be accessed from computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, it makes complete access to knowledge that can be done anywhere and anytime quickly.

      This does not fail to bring fresh air in the world of Indonesian education, a million facilities and conveniences are offered. However, what needs to be understood is that the effect of globalization is likened to a double-edged knife, the positives and negatives have balanced consequences. Competition, integration, and cooperation are examples of positive impacts, while the negative impacts include the birth of an instant generation, moral decadence, consumerism, even permissiveness (Jamal Ma'mur Asmani, 2012). In addition, other negative impacts are the rampant acts of violence, drug abuse, free sex, and crime (Barnawi & M. Arifin, 2012).

      If you view the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 education is interpreted as a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and country. To achieve all of that, it requires continuous cooperation of all parties, namely parents, educational institutions (schools), the environment, and other components. Schools carry out formal education, while parents proactively provide follow-up when students at home and provide supervision when associating and jumping in the community (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 2002).

      There are 3 important aspects that currently become world concentrations or educational institutions, namely the existence of balance and integration between cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects. Cognitive aspects emphasize mental ability (brain) to understand a series of sciences, psychomotor aspects emphasize skills, affective aspects emphasize attitudes, values, and behaviors. But the reality is not worth the expectation, schools today are too fixated on cognitive aspects alone, as limited as the transfer of knowledge. The success of learning is measured by numbers that do not represent the purpose of education, namely printing students who have intelligence and noble character.

      Observing the phenomena and impacts of globalization that are increasingly violent, a formula is needed in order to fortify students. A reconstruction is needed so that education is truly capable of printing knowledgeable students with character. So in this case the

      discourse on character education needs to be reconceptualized. Through the concept of character education students are directed not only to learn about values, but truly believe in the heart and practice these values in carrying out daily life. For example about religious values, honesty, courtesy, responsibility, discipline, and others.

      Lickona (1992) stated that character education is very urgent because several reasons including, first, is an urgent and real need, this is because the development of globalization has targeted all circles, including the world of children as soft land which is more easily affected by negative aspects . Second, that value is a way of working a civilization, a just and prosperous state created through young cadres of knowledgeable and characterless nations. Third, the importance of schools as moral institutions like children who teach and practice values, because the intensity of moral education is very little from parents (family). Parents are often tired of daily work routines, so they are absent in shaping the personality and character of the child.

      The implementation of character education, which has recently become an expert spotlight, is indeed urgent to be applied together. This is important considering that the development of adolescents today is increasingly out of control. Through this concept, it is possible to create a generation that is expected by the nation according to the educational objectives that have been formulated. All lines should be one line of goals, from students, parents, teachers, supervisors, government, and society to jointly become patriots and promoters, not only to teach values, but together give examples of each other and exemplify the generation of the knowledge and character. Character education needs to be continuously campaigned as a totality of quality and dignified education, in order to create a generation of Indonesians who are strong, steady, knowledgeable and with character. So that all the negative effects of globalization can be minimized through the implementation of this character education (Muslich, 2011).

  2. The Importance of Character Education

    Education is a conscious and systematic effort to develop the potential of students. According to Wikipedia, Education is learning the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people who are passed down from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education often occurs under the guidance of others, but also allows self- taught.

    Character Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere and process of potential empowerment and civilization of students to build unique personal or group characters both as citizens. In other dictionaries Character Education is a form of human activity in which there is an educational action intended for the next generation (Buchori, 2007).

    To fortify the younger generation, especially students, so as not to be crushed by the flow of globalization, strong character development is needed. Building character is not as easy

    as turning the palm of the hand, although it is not easy but building character is very important, especially for the younger generation who are the most vulnerable components of the Indonesian nation in the face of globalization. Because after all our young generation reflects the character of the Indonesian people. If our young generation does not uphold the values and norms according to the Pancasila philosophy, it can be said that our nation's character fades and disappears, if the character of a nation is lost then there is no longer the name of the Indonesian nation on the world map. Today our nation's character is underestimated by other countries, even many Indonesians do not want to admit that they are from Indonesia, they are ashamed of being Indonesian. This they admit because of the many cases that occurred in Indonesia. They are afraid that other countries view them as coming from terrorist countries, or corruptor countries, countries that have everything but are unable to process their natural resources, ignorant countries, spectator countries, plural countries whose communities often struggle between ethnicities, selfish and tribal people regardless other people, cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism, or countries that have no quality in any field. In facing the era of globalization, education is very necessary to build the character of the nation. Whether it's from formal, informal or non-formal education.

    The existence of a nation is largely determined by its character. Only a nation has a strong character capable of making itself a nation that is dignified and respected by other nations. Therefore being a nation with character is the dream of the Indonesian people. Although it is no longer a new thing, it must be admitted that the phenomenon of globalization is the most dynamic strategy and has an influence on the values of various nations including the Indonesian people. Some people consider it a threat that has the potential to roll up the values and traditions of our nation and replace them with values that are popular in foreign countries. In the era of globalization that is unable to withstand the swift flow of information from any world, making the younger generation easily know and absorb information and culture from other countries, and vice versa any country can easily obtain all forms of information and culture from our country, this is where national character is needed because if the nation's character is not strong, globalization will run over our young generation. The younger generation is expected to play a role in facing various kinds of problems and competition in the era of globalization that is getting tighter today.

    To fortify the younger generation, especially students, so as not to be crushed by the flow of globalization, strong character development is needed. Building character is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, although it is not easy but building character is very important, especially for the younger generation who are the most vulnerable components of the Indonesian nation in the face of globalization. Because after all our young generation is a reflection of the character of the Indonesian people. If our young generation does not uphold the values and norms according to the Pancasila philosophy, it can be said that our nation's character fades and disappears, if the character of a nation is lost then there is no longer the name of the Indonesian nation on the world map.

    Today our nation's character is underestimated by other countries, even many Indonesians do not want to admit that they are from Indonesia, they are ashamed of being Indonesian. This they admit because of the many cases that occurred in Indonesia. They are afraid that other countries view them as coming from terrorist countries, or corruptor countries, countries that have everything but are unable to process their natural resources, ignorant countries, spectator countries, plural countries whose communities often struggle between ethnicities, selfish and tribal people regardless other people, cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism, or countries that have no quality in any field. In facing the era of globalization, education is very necessary to build the character of the nation. Whether it's from formal, informal or non-formal education. All education is essentially bringing changes in character to become better and better.

    In connection with this, national character can still be saved and developed through continuous learning. The learning process brings students to the figure of a generation that does not only have knowledge, but also has a moral that reflects noble values that are embedded in the minds of students. Along with the era of globalization and the advancement of the world of information, the Indonesian nation is being hit by a crisis of noble values which causes the dignity of the Indonesian people to be considered low by other nations. Therefore, the character of the Indonesian people today needs to be rebuilt. According to the origin of the word, the word "globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal. Globalization does not yet have an established definition, except just the definition of work (working definition), so it depends on which side people see it. Some view it as a social process, or a historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries in the world more bound to one another, realize a new order of life or co-existence unity by removing geographical, economic and cultural boundaries society. On the other hand, some see globalization as a project carried out by superpower countries, so that people can have a negative or suspicious view of it. From this perspective, globalization is nothing but capitalism in its most recent form. Countries that are strong and rich will practically control the world economy and small countries are increasingly powerless because they are unable to compete. Because, globalization tends to have a big influence on the world economy, even influencing other fields such as culture and religion.

    Globalization is a term that has a relationship with increasing the interrelationship and dependence between nations and between people throughout the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction so that the boundaries of a country become increasingly narrow. National Character (For young generation Character can be interpreted as a characteristic possessed by someone, besides that the character possessed by someone can give us an idea of the personality of that person. Likewise with national character, national character intended is the whole character that includes behavior, habits, likes, abilities, talents, potentials, values, and mindset possessed by a group of people who want to unite, feel themselves united, have similarities in fate, origin, ancestry, language, customs and history of the nation, Indonesian Nation. There are seven main thoughts that reflect the national character of Indonesia according to Ary

    Ginanjar, namely honesty, responsibility, visionary, discipline, cooperation, fair and caring which must be based on four national pillars, namely Pancasila, NKRI, 1945 Constitution and Unity in Diversity. proclaiming Indonesia Golden 2020, a nation that is moral with the value of seven main thoughts and will produce it the best generation.

    While there are at least 17 national character values that are expected to be built by the Indonesian people. The values of the national character in question are faith, piety, noble character, knowledge / expertise, honesty, discipline, democratic, fair, responsible, love for the country, orientation to excellence, mutual cooperation, healthy, independent, creative, respectful and speak good words. The development of national character is a conscious effort to improve, improve all behaviors that include customs, values, potential, abilities, talents and minds of the Indonesian people. The desire to be a character that is truly national has long been embedded in the Indonesian people. The founders of the country poured out that wish in the opening paragraph of the 1945 Constitution in paragraph 2 with a firm statement, "... ushering the Indonesian people in front of the gate of the independence of an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous Indonesia". The founders of the state realized that only by becoming an independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous nation would the Indonesian people become dignified and respected by other nations. The impact of the globalization era, the era of globalization is very much bringing changes, both those that have positive impacts on life and those that have a negative impact on life. In the era of globalization, all aspects of life gradually experience change. One example occurs in the lives of the younger generation, most young people tend not to be able to filter the influence of globalization. So that many young generations are caught up in the bad influence of globalization. The Globalization Era had an impact on the Young Generation. Social Aspects Socializing is something that is pleasing to some young people. Because, they can get a lot of friends and they can also exchange ideas with their friends. By socializing, they can find new things they have never known before and that way, they will easily understand each other. By socializing correctly, many positive things will be obtained. For example, they will have many connections to be able to know more about the world of work that will be useful for their lives later. However, if the younger generation cannot socialize well what is gained is only a free association outside the boundary that can harm themselves and others. Therefore, the young generation should have a handle on life to be able to filter themselves out the various impacts of globalization.

  3. Mental Formation of Entrepreneurship Quality

    Internet technology is a technology that provides unlimited information and can be accessed by anyone. What's more for the young generation of the internet has become their daily meal. If used properly, of course we get useful benefits. But if not, we will suffer losses. And now, many students are using this technology improperly. Not only the internet, there is another mandatory handle, the handphone. Social sense towards the community is not there because they prefer to be busy using mobile phones. The moral of the nation's generation is damaged, anarchic actions occur among the young. His

    relationship with the value of nationalism will diminish because there is no love for his own national culture and a sense of caring for the community. Though the younger generation is the successor to the future of the nation. What are the consequences if the nation's future does not have a sense of nationalism? What is certain is that our country will be easily controlled by a foreign nation, which in the end our nation will be controlled by a foreign nation.

    Character education serves to improve the character of the people and citizens of Indonesia that are negative and strengthen the role of the family, education units, society, and government to participate and be responsible for developing the potential of humans or citizens towards a nation that is characterized, developed, independent and prosperous. The nation's character education filter functions to sort out the nation's own cultural values and filter out the positive values of other national cultures to become the character of humans and Indonesian citizens to become a dignified nation.

    In the world of education, the success of education is not measured by the achievement of student academic targets, but rather on the learning process so that it can provide changes in attitudes and behavior to students. There are still many teachers who state that the success of education is only measured by the achievement of students' academic targets, because some of them teach with the orientation that students must get good grades so that they can be considered students or teachers who have successfully implemented education. If there is no learning in education, the results will be as before, in the sense of the word there is no change. We want a learning process that can give a positive change or impact on the behavior and attitudes of our students so that they not only master science academically, but they can form strong characters for themselves.

  4. Job Opening

The educational aspect has also been affected by the globalization era with more positive impacts, because at this time the younger generation can easily do school work using the help of the internet. But if you cannot use technology wisely, the younger generation will get a negative impact, that is, the younger generation will feel overwhelmed and may be able to access things they should not know, and new cultures will emerge, namely the culture of "copy + paste". This culture has a bad influence on the education development of the young generation, because they only need to copy the contents of the information they are looking for without knowing what the information contains. How to improve character education in schools to improve school effectiveness in character education requires a variety of changes. Changes needed are not only changes in schools but also in the environment that affects the processes and outcomes of education in schools, here include and implement education policies at the center and in the areas of change that are needed to include a variety of changes in the way of learning, development of school principals and teachers, and changes in how to assess educational success. The way to improve the perspective of increasing the role of schools in character education applies changes in the perspective or inferiority of the school community and interested parties.

These changes include changes in the way of thinking about school regarding students and regarding school intelligence is a community not a factory realized there are not many parties who view or treat school as a factory. Every type of important and necessary tendency is well developed in relation to the concept of multiple intelligences, each student has a configuration of his own intelligence that may be very different from other students and consequently may be interestingly of different consequential differences should be accepted as reality and endeavored to make a difference in potential. This intelligence develops as well as possible and can be made the basis of excellence of students concerned with the development of an atmosphere of a learning environment to support the character development of learning environment facilities covering the school atmosphere in general, the atmosphere in interpersonal relations. This atmosphere can be reflected in the physical atmosphere and atmosphere of social interaction atmosphere which shows that the character of the physical environment in the atmosphere of the school's physical environment can convey the role to students that in their school the character is very important, and students are expected to grow and be very important and students are expected to grow and developed into a character.

The atmosphere of social relations appears in an interactive form between community members and principals, teachers and administrators and students and the theme of the conversation among community members through extracurricular activities. The social atmosphere in schools are also formed from various extracurricular activities in schools, there are various kinds of extracurricular activities that can provide opportunities for students to develop characters such as sports activities, arts, environmental admirer, social services, reading clubs, student press etc. extracurricular activities can be a place for students to develop humble sharing habits of honesty, empathy, care in developing the learning process so that students learn virtues or develop different characters by helping students learn Mathematics, Physics. Learning the value of virtue involves awareness of beliefs and feelings in addition to logic. Eroding the character of the young generation due to globalization.

Forms of Promoting the Character of the Young Generation: The current of globalization is so rapidly penetrating into society, especially among the younger generation. The influence of globalization on the young generation is very strong. The influence of globalization has made many of our young generation lose their personalities as Indonesians. This is indicated by the symptoms that arise in the daily lives of the young generation now, namely: Judging from the attitude, many young generations whose behavior is not polite and tends to be indifferent there is no sense of care for the environment. Because globalization adheres to freedom and openness so they act as they please. The real example is the presence of a young generation of motorcycle gangs who carry out acts of violence that disrupt the peace and comfort of society. Another phenomenon that tarnishes the image of students and educational institutions is the rise of 'student gangs' and 'motorcycle gangs'. Their behavior often leads to acts of violence (bullying) that disturbs the public and even criminal acts such as bullying, persecution, and even murder. All the negative behavior among the students and students above, clearly

shows that the character fragility is quite severe, one of which is caused by not optimal character development in educational institutions in addition to environmental conditions that do not support. Among students and mentors this moral crushing is no less alarming. Habits of "cheating" at the time of the test or the result of the test are still being conducted. The desire to pass easily and without hard work during national exams causes them to try to find answers in an unethical way. They are looking for 'leaked answers' from various sources that are not clear. Especially if the desire to pass easily is institutional because it is engineered or conditioned by school leaders and teachers systemically. For those who did not graduate, some of them committed acts of recklessness by self-harm or even suicide. Unethical behavior is also shown by students. Plagiarism or plagiarism of scientific work among students is still massive. There is even something done by doctoral students. All of this shows the fragility of character among students and mentors.

Research Methods

The research method used in this study is the study of literature. The researcher collects theories from various books and literature to develop a relationship model to solve problems faced by research objects.


The purpose of this study is to develop a relationship model to solve problems faced by the object of research.


Comments on Research

  1. Excellence

    The existence of a nation is largely determined by its character. Only the nation has a strong character capability of making itself a nation that is dignified and respected by other nations. Therefore being a nation with character is the dream of the Indonesian people. Although it is no longer a new thing, it must be admitted that the phenomenon of globalization is the most strategically dynamic and has an influence on the values of various nations including the Indonesian people (Sugiyono, 2007). Some consider it a threat that has the potential to roll up our nation's values and traditions and replace them with popular values in foreign countries. In the era of globalization that is unable to withstand the swift flow of information from any world, making young people easily know and absorb information and culture from other countries, and vice versa, any country can easily get all forms of information and culture from our country, this is where the character of the nation is needed because if the nation's character is not strong then globalization will run over our young generation. The younger generation is expected to play a role in facing various kinds of problems and competition in the era of globalization that is getting tighter today.

  2. Weakness

Nowadays the attention of young people is only focused upon economic development with a physical orientation. With such a character it is not surprising that among young people there flourishes the characteristics of materialism, practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) and various other types of dishonorable behavior. Besides that the character of young people today is neglected from humanitarian development, we can see it from various aspects of human life that have escaped the development of human character, soul and body, for example many social inequalities, especially in big cities, rich people will get richer and poor people will get poorer, this is due to the lack of awareness of the elites to help poor people around them. In accordance with the function of national education, character education is intended to develop capabilities and shape dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the life of the nation. More specifically character education has three main functions, namely: Formation and development. The potential for character education functions to form and develop human potential or Indonesian citizens to think well, be kind-hearted, and behave well in accordance with the Pancasila philosophy of life (Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun, 2003).


All education is essentially bringing changes in character to become better and better. In connection with this, national character can still be saved and developed through continuous learning. The learning process brings students to the figure of a generation that does not only have knowledge, but also has a moral that reflects noble values that are embedded in the

minds of students. Along with the era of globalization and the advancement of the world of information, the Indonesian nation is being hit by a crisis of noble values which causes the dignity of the Indonesian people to be considered low by other nations. Therefore, the character of the Indonesian people today needs to be rebuilt.


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