Dwi Atmaji*, Zuly Qodir

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author’s Email: dwi.atmaji.psc19@umy.ac.id


Local government in Indonesia adapted to the development legislation of an ideal tourist destination; ethically and aesthetically the local area is known as value-local culture. Gunungkidul Regency is an area that has tourism potential with the number of tourists increasing every year; this can indicate that these tourism objects are well managed. However, Gunungkidul Regency is still one of the areas with underdevelopment, the highest poverty rate indicator in DIY. Community groups have not been thoroughly involved as well as several other tourist objects that have not been managed as tourist destinations. Tourism activities need to be supported by policies that regulate tourism actors in carrying out their activities. This research method is a qualitative method with a literature study model that aims to describe the implementation of policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom which comes from various other types of reading, such as previous research, news articles, and others. Target indicator sets more towards material things. The current policy for increasing tourist destinations in Gunungkidul Regency has not prioritized the value base of local wisdom. Furthermore, it discusses the implementation and obstacles faced in relation to the policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom. The implementation of policies in terms of resources leads to the value of local wisdom in developing human resources which ultimately leads to material benefits. There has been no implementation that leads to local wisdom values of natural resource conservation, social, ethical, and moral meanings. The implementation of policies in terms of communication between the public and the government is good enough, however, among tourism business actors is not optimal.

Keywords: Implementation; Policy; Tourism; Local Wisdom; Gunungkidul


Tourism development through increasing tourist destinations in various regions is carried out by the central and regional governments. The government maximizes the potential of tourist destinations in each region. But of course, there are significant differences when comparing the success of efforts to increase tourist destinations from one area to another. It takes careful planning to support efforts to increase tourist destinations in an area. Simultaneously, the overall improvement will require a large amount of money and energy, so it can be done based on a priority scale (Hartono, 2017). Priorities in increasing tourist destinations can be stated in the policy framework. The existence of policies is aimed at ensuring the realization of increased and equal distribution of community income, increasing job opportunities and business opportunities, and increasing access and quality of public services and regional competitiveness.

Policies are carried out or not carried out by activity actors such as the government, a person, a group in overcoming problems or realizing certain goals (Hartono, 2017). Generally, policies are closely linked to the actions of the government as the party is responsible for determining the direction of policy. Several things in the development of tourism policies include environmental conservation and improvement, increased employment opportunities; it provides benefits to society increasing empowerment and resource value. There is a balance between utility and conservation, better service improvement, ease of information; as well as there is a sustainable environment that is comfortable (Bawono, 2014). The policy to increase tourist destinations is adjusted to the legislation on the development of ideal tourist destination areas, ethically and aesthetically in the local area (Darwance & Rendy, 2018). The context of local government in Indonesia applies the value of local wisdom which is used as the basis for determining policies.

The value of local wisdom is a set of values, views, or creativity, being civilized and natural- social wealth is trusted and recognized by the community as necessary in maintaining social relations among community members (Hannan & Rahmawati, 2020), which originates from customary values, local beliefs that develop into regional culture, so that people can live their lives well and develop in a sustainable manner (sustainable development) (Bakti et al., 2018). Local wisdom includes the ethnic characteristics of the community in the form of community thinking (Ahdiati & Kusumanegara, 2020), abstract guidelines for systems in solving problems in society which becomes a reference in everyday life (Budiana, Bajari & Mulyawan, 2020) - how to behave and act, ideas that are wise, full of wisdom, good values which are embedded and followed by members of the community (Christanti, 2019), a value that is at the core of the cultural identity of the community (Ahdiati & Kusumanegara, 2020). Local wisdom as a filter and self-control against foreign cultures, accommodating elements of foreign cultures (Rakib, 2020), integrating elements of external culture into the native culture, and giving direction to the cultural development (Gustini, Sanusi & Muchtar, 2018; Rahmi, 2016). Local wisdom builds a balance between the carrying capacity of nature and human life in fulfilling needs (Mastika, 2018), culture, science, and related beliefs (Christanti, 2019).

Culture is related to policies to increase tourist destinations. Culture in local wisdom becomes an obstacle to the increasing influence of globalization which starts to reduce national cultural values. Each region can explore and develop local culture as a social and cultural capital for local community development (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017). Policies based on local wisdom play a significant role in strengthening the regional autonomy system (Hannan & Rahmawati, 2020). Even though there is kendala in the application of local wisdom values in policy making, among others, there is an assumption that local wisdom-based policies are regional, ancient, traditional, and are considered a democratic regression because they seem to return to the past in the modern era (Budiana, Bajari & Mulyawan, 2020). Not a few local government efforts have succeeded in implementing policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom such as the Purwakarta Regency Government which has succeeded in city planning, infrastructure development, tourism, culinary, and education systems while still promoting Sundanese Culture (Gustini, Sanusi & Muchtar, 2018). In increasing tourist destinations, local wisdom, creative economy, and added value are needed to be offered to tourists (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017).

Increased tourism based on Law no. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism aims to increase economic growth, improve people's welfare, eradicate poverty, overcome unemployment, preserve nature, promote culture, elevate the image of the nation, foster a love of the country, strengthen national identity and unity, and strengthen the friendship between nations. Prioritizing the interests of the community and social-social sustainability in tourist destinations is the basis of local wisdom values. In tune with Ahdiati & Kusumanegara, 2020, which mentions the determinants of the success of increasing tourism, namely in addition to tourists, entrepreneurs, and local governments participating in tourism activities, local communities are also important elements that need to be considered.

The main elements of tourism include attractions, facilities, accessibility and image, and human resources (Herlandi, 2020). Increasing tourist destinations should be based on the strengths of the local tourist area. Planning considers local identities, such as culture, natural wealth, environmental characteristics, as well as paying attention to community needs such as tourism support facilities, also accommodating the needs of local communities (Bawono, 2014). Tourism infrastructure facilities such as stalls, restaurants, souvenir shops, hotels, inns, the availability of transportation, and communication networks intended for the comfort of tourists during their tour are also needed to increase the economic impact of tourism activities. The expenditure of tourists getting these facilities will drive the economy of the community and region (Adinugroho, 2017). This is applied by the Gunungkidul Regency Tourism Office which makes policies increase in tourist destinations by positioning the community as the subject by applying the concept of community-based tourism, increasing tourism business partnerships, and continuing to fulfill environmental and socio-cultural responsibilities (BPS, 2021a).

Gunungkidul Regency is the longest coastal area in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), which has a relatively large number of tourist destinations and continues to grow from year to year. The characteristics of beaches in Gunungkidul with white sand originating from coral fragments due to the impact of waves and waves are different from the beach compared to coastal areas in other districts, additionally, various natural tourist attractions on different beaches. The area of Gunungkidul Regency has a high potential of increasing tourist destinations and the regional economy. Data in the last 5 years shows that the tourism sector in Gunungkidul Regency has made a significant contribution, namely ± 7% of the district's PAD (Bawono, 2014). The economic sector of the surrounding community with trade or service activities has also increased. This condition is supported by the increasing number of tourists visiting various tourist destinations in Gunungkidul Regency (BPS, 2021b).

However, these conditions have not been able to bring success to Gunungkidul Regency. This significant increase in the tourism sector was not followed by an increase in the welfare of the people of Gununugkidul. In line with the research of Adinugroho, 2017, there is no significant relationship between the number of tourist visits and the income sector. Based on data from the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), which is a measure of the assessment of economic activity in a region, Gunungkidul Regency is an area with a development that is still lagging with the regency's economic contribution of only 13.6% in DIY, even though it has the largest area compared to other districts/cities (Adinugroho, 2017). The per capita income of the people of Gunungkidul is at the lowest level compared to other districts/cities, causing the highest poverty rate indicator for Gunungkidul Regency in DIY, even for several years it tends to be stagnant (Husna & Nurokhmini, 2018). This is compounded by Gunung Kidul's Human Development Index (HDI), which is also considered to be the lowest, Poverty occurs because, at every stage of economic improvements, such as an increase in the business of tourist destinations, community groups have not been thoroughly involved (Manteiro, 2016).

Research conducted by Sudaryanto, 2019 shows that the implementation of the Gunungkidul tourism development policy has not been optimal. Lack of knowledge and skills regarding tourism activities and governance owned by managers and the community (Hartono, 2017). It is not only the ability of human resources that is important, but also local wisdom related to nature that needs to be considered to create community welfare (Manteiro, 2016). The geographical conditions of the highlands of Gunungkidul Regency affect infrastructure, limited accommodation, limited institutions, and budgets that affect various other things in tourism development (Herlandi, 2020). This has made the development inequality between regions, so far, the area of Gunungkidul Regency has only focused on the coastal tourist area in the southern area of Gunungkidul Regency. Areas with mountainous characteristics still lack infrastructure, minimal growth centers, and high geographic barriers (Adinugroho, 2017).

Based on the tracing of previous research related to the implementation of tourism policies, tourism policies related to local wisdom, or local wisdom related to tourism are quite popular materials to be discussed. Discussions related to tourism potential based on local wisdom can be used as an alternative model for tourism development (Cahyono & Putra, 2017) based on regional characteristics, the optimization of regional autonomy policies, local values , and the utilization of natural potentials which are ultimately directed entirely at improving the quality of life of the regional community (Hannan & Rahmawati, 2020). Discussions on tourism policy issues related to local wisdom (Bakti et al., 2018) and implementation are constrained by human resources, capital (Anjelina, 2017; Christanti, 2019; Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017; Hernawan & Pratidina, 2015). (Anjelina, 2017). It is not easy to make policies that cover the needs of all parties, as well as the implementation in the field carried out by various related parties who are interconnected. Policies are required to be based on local wisdom in the local area to preserve human values and natural surroundings. The development of the tourism industry is currently starting to lead to a community base which means that it aims at community welfare and puts forward the value of unique and distinctive local wisdom in each region so that it becomes a tourist attraction (Wazni, Harirah & Darmansyah, 2020). However, just like any other industry, there are demands for material needs which are often in the fulfillment of these material needs at the expense of the value of local wisdom. This also applies to Gunungkidul Regency as a popular tourist destination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta which has various attractions. The strong potentials of nature, society, and culture have succeeded in drawing so many tourists to come. The policy of increasing the destination of Gunungkidul Regency is required to be based on local wisdom values and be well implemented.

Policies achieve goals if they can be implemented properly. In this case, the Government has an important role in the activities of regulation, guidance, supervision, and control of tourism policy implementation activities (Anjelina, 2017). Policy implications include the interaction of policy makers with parties implementing policies such as tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis) (Sumarni, 2020). The purpose of this research is to explain the implementation of policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom in Gunungkidul Regency where globalization has reached all regions of Indonesia, including Gunungkidul Regency, and local values are starting to erode with new values such as commercialization, individualism, and materialism (Sudaryanto, 2018). Local wisdom-based policies are meant by policies to increase related tourist destinations in the preservation of natural resources, conservation; human resource development; culture and science as well as local community beliefs.


The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature study model, known as a literature review. The activity of reviewing various literature, namely analysis, synthesis, summary, comparison between various sources that helps elaborate the foundation in research (Utami, 2015). Various sources of literature in the form of research journals, articles, books, other internet sources are related to the research theme. This study aims to describe the implementation of policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom sourced from various types of literature such as previous research, news articles, and others. In line with the objectives of the literature review model, namely explaining the relationship between various sources of writing with the same theme, identifying ways of translating thoughts, presenting differences between reading sources, as material for further research thinking (Utami, 2015).

The literature study model or literature review has several stages. The initial stage is to search for literature sources, both primary and secondary, followed by data classification based on research formulas, extracting evidence and knowledge (Fadhlurrohman, Purnomo & Malawani, 2020) then data processing and/or reference citation displayed or presented because of research, abstraction, and interpretation of data with inductive analysis to arrive at conclusions (Darmalaksana, 2020). Several articles were collected from various sources with the theme of policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom and tourism policies in Gunungkidul Regency. About 50 articles of national and international scientific journals, online mass media, and laws and regulations were obtained.


Gunungkidul Regency Tourism

Gunungkidul Regency is an area that has tourism potential, a variety of cultures, culinary as well as a unique history. Gunungkidul Regency provides various facilities and attractive tourist objects to attract local and foreign tourists to travel. There are natural tourism, artificial tourism, and arts and crafts tourism. One of the leading tourist objects is natural tourism, namely the beach of Gunungkidul Regency, which is widely known. Gunungkidul Regency has a long coastal area that stretches about 65 km from Purwosari District to Girisubo District, which is in the south bordering the Indian Ocean. There are 103 beaches with around 60 beaches that are being developed by the government. Not only beaches, natural cave and waterfalls are also a leading tourist attraction.

One of the leading tourist areas is the Mount Sewu Geopark area. Area Geopark Mount Sewu extending west-east across 3 regencies (Gunungkidul, Wonogiri and Pacitan) and 3 provinces (DIY, Central Java, East Java). Area of 1,802 km Mount Sewu Geopark as a National Geopark by the National Geopark Committee of Indonesia on May 13, 2013 and designated as a Global Geopark supported by UNESCO on September 19, 2015 in Tottori, Japan. In November 2015, the Mount Sewu Geopark became a UNESCO Mountain Sewu Global Geopark. Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark has 13 geosites in the Gunung Kidul area, including Baron-Kukup- Krakal Beach, Wanagama Forest, Derivative Forest, Ngingrong Cave, Jlamprong Cave, Bleberan Waterfall, Bengawan Solo Purba Valley, Siung-Wediombo Beach, Luweng Goa Jomblang, Luweng Kali Suci, Early Miocene Marine Deposits (Sambipitu Formation), and Early Miocene Volcanoes (Nglanggran Formation) (Maulidia, 2017). The status of Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark has an important meaning for the existence of the Gunungsewu Karts area Apart from being a conservation effort to maintain the site's existence, it also plays a role in education and community empowerment programs. Another benefit of being more widely known is accelerating the development of Gunung Kidul tourism, supported by Yogyakarta International Airport facilities in Kulon Progo (Ain, 2019).

There is data on the increase in the number of tourists at several tourism objects (BPS, 2021b), this can indicate that the tourism object is well managed. However, there are still several other tourist objects that have not been managed as tourist destinations so that they are not yet known to tourists. The increase in the number of tourists can be seen in the following table:

Table 1: Data on Tourist Visits in Gunungkidul Regency 2015-2019








Nusantara / Domestic Tourists

2 638 634

2 989 006

3 236 931

3 032 525

3 661 612

Foreign Tourists

4 125

3 891

21 082

22 759

19 191


2 642 759

2 992 897

3 258 013

3 055 284

3 680 803

Source: (BPS, 2021b)

The sub-districts of Tanjungsari, Tepus, Girisubo and Purwosari are the areas with the most tourist objects that provide natural tourist attractions in the form of beach spots and natural caves, waterfalls which are a tourist area in the surrounding village. This has become a leading tourist destination in the Gunungkidul area.

Table 2: Data on the Number of Tourist Objects Per District Gunungkidul Regency


Number of Attractions (Unit)












































































Source: (BPS, 2021a)

Areas with managed tourist objects have increased tourist visit data. In the data, there are sub- districts that do not have tourist objects, not because they do not have them, but because these areas have not been managed properly to receive tourist visits.

Regional tourism provides benefits, among others, improving good relations between communities; provide employment opportunities as well as business opportunities for the local community; increase creativity and creative economic activities of the community which in turn also increase income; popularize the natural beauty and the richness of local culture of tourism objects; regional development with the construction of various tourist support facilities; as well as maintaining the sustainability of the natural and socio-cultural environment (Darwance & Rendy, 2018). To achieve these benefits, tourism activities need to be supported by policies that regulate tourism actors in carrying out their activities.

Tourism Destination Policy Related to Local Wisdom

The tourism development policy by the government prioritizes 7 (seven) things or what is known as Sapta Tourism Development Policy, including tourism promotion; accessibility; tourism area; Marine tourism; tourism products of human resources as well as a national campaign of tourism awareness or charm (Hartono, 2017). Local wisdom-based tourism policy is a policy in the tourism sector that prioritizes superiority in a certain area or a certain cultural community that has cultural values both material and non-material (Jupir, 2013).

The vast area of Gunungkidul Regency and the high tourism potential is the reason for the local government in developing the area. Based on data for the last 5 years, the tourism sector has made a significant contribution, namely ± 7% of the district's PAD (Bawono, 2014). There is Perda No. 6 of 2011 by the Gunungkidul Regional Government regarding the Gunungkidul Regency Spatial Plan which aims to realize the Gunungkidul Regency area as a business development center that relies on agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and local resources to support tourist destinations towards a competitive and advanced community. Governance is aimed at supporting the area as a tourist destination. Based on the spatial plan for Gunungkidul Regency in 2010-2030, the potential for regional development in Gunungkidul Regency, among others, is designated as a production forest area; community forest area; agricultural designated areas; fishery allotment area; areas that have potential for mining materials; industrial potential area; tourism development area as well.

The legal basis for tourism development in accordance with the principles of development is Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism which is realized through the implementation of a tourism development plan by considering the diversity, uniqueness and uniqueness of culture and nature, as well as human needs for tourism. In Article 8: paragraph 1, the development of tourism is carried out based on the tourism development master plan which consists of the national tourism development master plan, the provincial tourism development master plan, and the regency / municipal tourism development master plan (Herlandi, 2020). Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals states that each region can actively participate in the development process of their respective regions, be it in the planning, development and evaluation stages (Hannan & Rahmawati, 2020).

Several policies related to increasing tourist destinations, among others; National Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPARNAS); Provincial Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPARPROV); District / City Tourism Master Plan (RIPPAR-KOTA), Regional Tourism Master Plan (RIPPARDA), are related to responsibility for the natural and socio-cultural environment. The Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) has the objective of realizing an increase in the competitiveness of tourism and the protection, maintenance, development, and utilization of culture with indicators of success based on the number of visits by domestic tourists and foreign tourists; duration of stay of domestic tourists and foreign tourists as well as the index of cultural preservation. Gunungkidul Regency Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of Tourism, certainty of obligations, rights, and procedures for tourism management, Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Buildings, Regent Regulation No.56 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Regional Regulations of Kab, Gunungkidul No. 5 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of Tourism, Regent Regulation No. 69 of 2016 concerning Position, Organizational Structure, Duties, Functions and Work Procedures of the Tourism Office - all of these policies aim at increasing the tourist destinations of Gunungkidul Regency which must be carried out systematically, planned, integrated, sustainable, and responsibly while still providing protection for religious, cultural and environmental values which includes the fulfillment of local wisdom values (Husna & Nurokhmini, 2018; Herlandi, 2020). However, some of the targets to be achieved are more directed at material things, such as increasing investment, expanding employment opportunities, increasing the number of tourist visits; increase in revenue from the original region (PAD) or the target indicators set are the number of visits by domestic tourists and foreign tourists; length of stay of domestic tourists and foreign tourists (Husna & Nurokhmini, 2018). This shows that the current policy to increase tourist destinations in Gunungkidul Regency has not prioritized the value base of local wisdom. Furthermore, it discusses the implementation and obstacles faced in relation to policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom.

Implementation and Constraints

Implementation means the implementation of a predetermined plan. Implementation leads to efforts to understand what should happen, action to achieve the goals that have been set in a decision. Decisions that have been determined are translated into action by making several changes (Christanti, 2019).

Policy implementation is legally supervising policy implementers jointly carrying out policies to achieve the desired goals. Implementers of policies include all parties related to the implementation of policies such as government agencies, community organizations, parties related to politics, economy, and social policies that are implemented (Herlandi, 2020). Implementation of policies in the form of individual actions or groups of government or private agencies aimed at achieving the things stipulated in policy decisions (Christanti, 2019).

The policy implementation approach model explains that policy performance is influenced by policy standards, objectives, policy measures and interrelated results of activities. The explanation of policy implementation in this literature study includes 1) Resources, in this case human resources in the form of the skills of policy implementers to implement policies effectively and financial resources; 2) Communication between related organizations and implementation activities (Christanti, 2019; Hernawan & Pratidina, 2015).

Implementation of Policies to Increase Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom in Gunungkidul Regency in Terms of Resources

The implementation of the policy to increase tourist destinations requires human resources (HR) with quality and quantity as well as affordability to local natural and cultural resources. Improving the quality of human resources, among others, by training in natural tourism management, tour guides, entrepreneurship training, developing creative ideas for the development of a creative economy based on local wisdom (Bakti et al., 2018). For example local government tourism awareness community groups (pokdarwis) in the artificial lake tourism area on the hill of Embung Batara Sriten, Gunungkidul Regency routinely in a certain period of time conduct socialization, training and guidance and community assistance (Hartono, 2017). Improving the quality of human resources to produce experts or trained practitioners with education preferably at starting for the locals where they know more about their own territory and have a more sense of ownership, pride and want to advance their territory (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017). However there are obstacles in many tourist destinations, namely the lack of ability and skills of the community around the tourist area due to their lack of knowledge and awareness of tourism activities (Hartono, 2017; Kusumaningrum, 2009; Yoelianto, 2008). It is necessary to instill thoughts in the community regarding the potential of local culture and wisdom as a more aesthetic and ethical tourist attraction. Where tourism trends lead to local culture and local wisdom, it is unique for tourists to be attracted to come, learn about, enjoy these things that tourists never get anywhere else (Bakti et al., 2018). Another obstacle is the low awareness of the concept of tourism and institutional awareness groups (Huda & Matondang, 2020; Kusumaningrum, 2009).

The affordability of natural resources includes various natural potentials in Gunungkidul Regency which can be used as a tourist attraction. In addition to coastal areas, natural caves and waterfalls, potential rice fields and surrounding areas are very well improved, supported by the community, involved in the management of tourism assets; village-level financial institutions; various tourist facilities such as traditional image buildings, native houses, village halls, the presence of community social organization groups and traditional customs as cultural potentials supported by the use of technology (Bawono, 2014). The assessment of tourism components including internal and external factors on 19 beaches in Gunungkidul district is considered moderate, where the tourism component that is owned and maintains the concept of local culture, social value, meaning, and certain culture (Agustina, Hindersah, & Asiyawati, 2017).

Constraints related to natural resources in several tourist destinations in the condition of the tourist environment that is not well maintained. For example, on the beaches of Need and Nikean, garbage pollution is scattered, so that it is quite disturbing for tourists (Huda & Matondang, 2020). There are several implementation programs that can be carried out to prevent environmental damage related to waste problems such as a clean environment culture which is commonly known as community service as a typical rural community activity, construction of a waste recycling system and reforestation and maintenance (Rakib, 2020). Another obstacle is related to natural resources, sacrificing natural habitat for the sake of tourism, among others, the tourist destination of Pindul Cave, the bat inhabitants of the cave are starting to disappear and there is one stalactite that is cut to facilitate access to the nets for visitors along the water flow (Saputra & Rijanta, 2018). Another example of a tourist destination in the protected forest area of Watu Payung Gunungkidul, there are regulations that regulate management but have not been supported by the government in terms of regional development funds (Suhendroyono & Novitasari, 2016). Coastal tourism destinations along Gunungkidul as a place for sea turtle conservation are considered not maximally managed by the Tourism Office, where the existence of these animals and their conservation has the potential to be used as a tourist attraction (Yoelianto, 2008). Constraints related to tourists who do not have environmental awareness, socio-cultural sensitivity, empathy characteristics, extra spending for nature conservation (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017). In addition, the constraints on the development of layout and spatial planning are intangible and affect the beauty of environmental governance (Aji, 2020).

Resources that are meant not only human resources and natural resources, but all resources related to the increase in tourist destinations. Infrastructure such as roads, bridges, clean water, telecommunications networks, electricity, environmental control and maintenance systems, and others (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017). In several favorite tourist destinations, various improvements in tourism supporting infrastructure have been carried out. For example, in the Embung Batara Sriten tourist area, there are the addition of several facilities for signposts, a gate at the entrance to the tourist area, and several supporting facilities at the Batara Sriten embung such as gazebos, construction of stairs and the construction of facilities at five regional entrances which are the result of group collaboration. the community aware of tourism (pokdarwis) and people who contribute to road widening efforts without having to acquire residents' land. The local government appreciated the repair of roads which at that time were still classified as bad and not suitable for travel as a tourist route (Hartono, 2017). However, in several other tourist destinations, the availability of infrastructure or public infrastructure is felt to be still inadequate and unorganized (Huda & Matondang, 2020; Kusumaningrum, 2009; Saputra & Rijanta, 2018; Suhendroyono & Novitasari, 2016; Yoelianto, 2008), garbage that is still scattered, the management of fish selling places is still chaotic, and the management of parking lots is not good (Huda & Matondang, 2020). Infrastructure constraints are more related to material procurement. The reasons for infrastructure constraints that were put forward were always the same, namely limited investment, sources of financing or limited land area (Huda & Matondang, 2020; Kusumaningrum, 2009).

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that policy implementation in terms of resources leads to the value of local wisdom in developing human resources which ultimately leads to material benefits. There has been no implementation that leads to local wisdom values of natural resource conservation, social, ethical, and moral meanings.

Implementation of Policies to Increase Tourist Destinations Based on Local Wisdom in Gunung Kidul Regency in Terms of Communication

In general, the definition of communication is the process of delivering messages from the communicator (sender of the message) to the communicant (message recipient). Communication is the consistency of information conveyed. It is hoped that the government and society will establish unidirectional communication and consistency of information. Government and tourism entrepreneurs who assist in supporting the success of tourism based on local wisdom (Wismayanti, 2009). It takes the cooperation of related parties from various interests such as related agencies, tourism actors, cultural and tourism activists, local communities, and others to work together to build tourism areas based on available social capital such as networks, norms, and social trust which supports coordination and cooperation for the common interest (Bakti et al., 2018).

Examples of effective communication in the implementation of the policy of utilizing village land from origin 7 Law Number 13 of 2012 concerning the Privileges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta Governor Regulation Number 34 of 2017 on the Sri Gethuk Waterfall tourist destination side by side with the cultural and religious values of the local community through deliberation, so that cultural and religious values in Sri Gethuk's tourism management can be maintained by measuring materialistic values through the policies of community leaders (Sudaryanto, 2018). There is good communication between the local community and the government by always being involved in the preparation of tourism planning, as well as tourism marketing activities that are more directed towards the concept of social marketing and responsible marketing, in this case, such as environmental protection that is in accordance with local wisdom values (Fitriana & Ridlwan, 2017).

Constraints related to communication, digital technology which is increasingly developing affecting marketing operations and other activities, it must be able to sort out the use of appropriate technology according to the value of local wisdom (Aji, 2020). Another obstacle is the fact that cooperation between tourism actors, both national and international, has not been optimal so that tourist visits are not evenly distributed and tourism marketing is not optimal (Huda & Matondang, 2020).

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that the implementation of policies in terms of communication between the community and the government is quite good, but among tourism business actors is not optimal. It is necessary to design a communication guide with communication management to achieve the objectives of effective communication.


Gunungkidul Regency is an area that has tourism potential, a variety of cultures, culinary as well as a unique and unique history. There are natural tourism, artificial tourism, and arts and crafts tourism. There is data on the increase in the number of tourists at several tourism objects. This can indicate that the tourism object is well managed. However, there are still several other tourist objects that have not been managed as tourist destinations so that they are not yet known to the tourists. Tourism activities need to be supported by policies that regulate tourism actors in carrying out their activities. All these policies aim at increasing the tourist destinations of Gunungkidul Regency which must be carried out systematically, planned, integrated, sustainable, and responsibly while still providing protection for religious, cultural, and environmental values which includes the fulfillment of local wisdom values. However, some of the targets to be achieved are more directed at material things, such as increasing investment, expanding employment opportunities, increasing the number of tourist visits, increase in revenue from the original region (PAD) or the target indicators set are the number of visits by domestic tourists and foreign tourists, length of stay of domestic tourists and foreign tourists.

This shows that the current policy to increase tourist destinations in Gunungkidul Regency has not prioritized the value base of local wisdom. Furthermore, it discusses the implementation and obstacles faced in relation to policies to increase tourist destinations based on local wisdom. Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that policy implementation in terms of resources leads to the value of local wisdom in developing human resources which ultimately leads to material benefits. There has been no implementation that leads to local wisdom values of natural resource conservation, social, ethical, and moral meanings. Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that the implementation of policies in terms of communication between the community and the government is quite good, but among tourism business actors is not optimal.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


The authors are thankful to the institutional authority for completion of the work.


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